Towards Padmasana, towards Hanumanasana: a workshop with Bobby Clennell: Saturday 8 February 2025
Towards Padmasana, towards Hanumanasana: a workshop with Bobby Clennell: Saturday 8 February 2025
Bobby Clennell is a yoga teacher and long-time student of B.K.S. Iyengar, Geeta S. Iyengar and Prashant Iyengar. She teaches classes at the Iyengar Yoga Institutes of New York and Brooklyn and gives renowned workshops internationally.
Our full-day workshop, suitable for teachers, trainees and more experienced students, has two main focusses.
11am – 1.30pm: toward Padmasana
Because we sit mostly on chairs, we lose the agility that allows us to sit comfortably on the floor. To combat stiffness and immobility, come explore actions to promote flexibility in the hips, thereby moving us closer to Padmasana, and healthy hips, knees and ankles.
2.30pm – 5.00pm: toward Hanomanasama
We will elongate and release tension in the quadriceps and the front of the pelvis, and create suppleness and length in the hamstrings and back hip flexors. We will explore the relationship between the hamstrings, pelvis, spine, and heart.
£50 for AIY members (at checkout please add MEMBER-DISCOUNT in the discount box)
£60 for non-AIY members
concessionary rates available for those in financial need. Please enquire by email.
Venue: Yogatree, Alexander Terrace, Corsham, SN13 0BW
If you need to cancel your booking, please see our cancellation policy here.